Check out today’s feature as Lauren Wentzel debuts her column C’est Lauren Vie on The Socialite as she exlpores her weekend razzles with Hollywood hotties Leo Di Caprio and Gerard Butler and Sa’s 15 minutes of fame as we bask in the World Cup after glow…The world cup generated income for South Africa as well as a lot of beautiful debt. It’s questionable whether the outlay was worth it but one cannot deny the social investment and how as a country, we planted an international feather in our cap. For over a month, we experienced a collective excitement that made all other problems, even Eskom or heartburn, seem irrelevant. The electricity in the air generated a warmth amongst South Africans because for the first time in years we were united by something magnificent and not just a ra ra political campaign for us to be a melting rainbow pot of people who quite literally don’t speak the same language. Even Shakira had more unifying powers than that of peace loving Bish’ Tutu. This also makes one wonder about the price and potential of fame or power and what we choose to do with it.
Not only have the number of tourists increased since the world cup but the number of celebrities paying us attention too. I was lucky enough to spend some time with the talented Leo Di Caprio at a very shi shi night club and had an even bigger party with Gerard Butler just this past weekend. The difference between the two celebrities is uncanny. Leo was surrounded by a blockade of bod guards and security, he donned a cap the whole night whilst enjoying quiet conversation with others and myself in the cosy VIP corner. Gerard however, seemed to be without bodyguards. His bodyguards were more like friends to him and he clearly included them in everything that he did. The “Law Abiding Citizen” spent most of his night mingling outside the VIP section and enjoying animated conversations with the people that approached him. Basically he had time for everyone and seemed to squeeze as much enjoyment out of the night as possible. This made him more memorable and esteemed than any showcase of blockbusters and awards could.
Now, South Africa had her moment of fame but what do we choose to do with it? The spotlight may have left us for a while but what we can take from it is the choice to remain a real celebrity in our own right. And not by something as token as flying our country’s flag, but by remembering that feeling of connectedness. Staying out of the VIP section that divides us and having a ridiculous party with each other. The world cup was a realisation of the unity a country can share, it wasn’t the cause. There is so much power in numbers but there is so much more power in numbers that can razzle together on the same level. I say let the world be continuously star struck by South Africa and let that electricity remain swirling in the minds of all those that visit. It’s the best autograph we can give…
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